
The fans asked and Anders answered! See what NOLA soul-rocker Anders Osborne had to say about playing at LOCKN' Festival, balancing family and life on the road, and where to get the best po boy in New Orleans.

If you could be in the crowd rocking out at a show, what musician/band would it be?

Whatever show my wife drags me out to! lol... Or Charlie Parker.

What are your thoughts about being invited to play with Mad Dogs & Englishmen at LOCKN', a tribute to one of the greatest rock & roll tours of all time?

I couldn't believe it! I was very flattered.

What is more gratifying to you as a person and musician: making beautiful music or knowing it has touched and changed so many lives?

Hmm... I would have to say the making of the music. It is so spiritual to be in the moment of the making. I am always very surprised that my music touches other people.

How do you balance family life with being such a prolific road warrior and collaborator?

We try to be very close as a family when I'm home. Take care of our time together. We also promised each other to not discuss bad topics or argue on the phone/FaceTime etc. That really helps. Oh and lots of therapy!

In addition to your own musical projects, you also produce other artists work. Any artist that you have recently produced that you can tell us about?

If you like heavy riff rock check out Oli Brown, really great!! For sweet and melancholy acoustic music then you have to pick up the next Ryan Montbleau album that we are working on right now. So good!

What is your song "Never Is A Real Long Time" about?

Painting yourself into a corner.

Who inspired you to want your first guitar, and were you self-taught or begin by taking lessons?

I was inspired by Vivaldi and I was self-taught.

What's it like to ooze soul?

Haha! Sweet!

Where is the best po boy in NOLA?

Verti Marte on 1201 Royal street.

How did your partnership with Luther Dickinson and NMAS come about? How did you get introduced? Loved the"Back Muddy River" duet…

I have been a fan since early 2001. I called Luther to do a gig with me at Jazz Fest 2010 and we have been jamming ever since.

What's your favorite chord?

G major with a capo on third fret.

I hear so much Grateful Dead in your music. Tell us about your most influential GD experience, show, or song?

Driving in the Figuroa mountains in a '71 Cadillac sedan deville listening to "Black Muddy River." And to get to play with Phil.