Purity Ring Bring Hot Music and Cool Lights to Brooklyn Bowl Las Vegas Tomorrow
Posted On Monday, June 22nd
Corin Roddick (multi-instrumentalist) and Megan James (vocalist) grew up in Edmonton, Alta., and inspired by contemporary R&B, formed their electro-pop duo Purity Ring five years ago. Their debut full-length, Shrines (stream it below), arrived in 2010. They “don’t use synths and reverb to shroud emotion,” according to Consequence of Sound, “they use technology to serve up emotion that is bloody and still beating…. Purity Ring absorb technology to channel something anti-future. No computers, no grids, just bodies and creatures trying to figure ourselves out first.” Their second LP, Another Eternity (stream it below), came out this past February, again to some critical love. Billboard said the album “refracts pop through a funhouse mirror…. Purity Ring’s Another Eternity, a collection of aggressively polyglot dance pop you wouldn’t be surprised to find on Taylor Swift’s iPod.” In addition to being energetic performers, Purity Ring (below, performing “Bodyache” live on Conan) are also known for their terrific light show, which you can check out for yourself tomorrow night in Las Vegas. Braids and Born Gold open the show.